Join the CBA

If you are already a CBA Member you know the benefits! However if you are not a CBA Member but would like to join, now is the time. Membership is only $50 per year which may entitle you to receive discounted rates when registering for CBA hosted dinner meetings, educational seminars, and events scheduled throughout the year! In the past the CBA has co-sponsored with organizations such as the American Bankruptcy Institute and ICLE. The discounted rate for any one of these seminars alone would pay for your membership!

Dear CBA, board and members:

I was honored at my retirement event with a presentation from trustee, David Ruskin to me for my service as trustee in Flint. David said many nice things about the CBA and me during his presentation. I believe your group is a vital service that the Bankruptcy practitioners in Southeast Michigan need. I have read for years the postings and the colloquy existing on your Listserv. It’s exchange of news, tips and Bankruptcy information certainly is essential for a practitioner in the Bankruptcy field. I wish you well in the future and hope you continue the marvelous job you have been pursuing,

Very best regards.

Thank you,
Carl Bekofske

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